Alma uses cookies for the purpose of refining its website so that we can adapt it to the needs of our customers and thus improve the user experience.
When you use the website of Alma,, information can be collected about your visit. We collect information about the number of visits to the website, what time they are, what was clicked on, from which browser and how the device was used. Information that we are collecting and storing is in no case personally identifiable and cannot be traced to individuals. Alma does not forward information to third parties for marketing purposes in any case.
A cookie is a small text file that is saved on a computer or other smart device when a website is visited for the first time. A text file is stored on the user's browser and the website recognizes the file. The information in the file can be used to monitor user behavior on the website. In this way, certain information can be sent to the user's browser, which can facilitate access to various functions.
Users can always set their browsers so that the use of cookies is stopped, i.e. so that they are not saved or that the browser asks for permission before storing a cookie. Such actions may affect the way the website appears to users and thus reduce the experience.